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You're about to discover the program that will allow you to receive valuable electronic products, merchandise, and more.
I want to thank you for your confidence in our ability to provide you with this proven and unique program.
Inside of this member's area, we will walk you through the procedures of how to receive free merchandise in an easy step-by-step process.
Very few people, other than high-position marketing executives and purchasing managers who represent large corporations, even know about the methods and programs that we will reveal to you today.
In the past, I'm sure you have mysteriously received free product samples in the mail. It might have been a small box of washing powder, some sample dog food, a small box of cereal, or a trial-sized shampoo. While these samples are not extremely valuable, companies pay good money in order to send the demo or sample product to you for free as a marketing promotion. It's a simple marketing plan designed to persuade people, such as yourself, to buy their products. Now, you're probably thinking free dog food is one thing, but a laptop computer? That can't be possible. But believe me, it is possible, and you'll learn everything you need to know right here inside of the member's area.
I know that you're eager to get started and learn how to begin receiving your first free products plus, we did promise you that you could be inside of the product database, browsing the full-color catalog, within the next 15 minutes. However, jumping around from section to section will only leave you lost and confused.
Therefore, please follow the entire member's area instructions in the exact sequence as they are presented to ensure that you understand all of the procedures and instructions as outlined.
Thank you again for showing your interest in our program. Please continue on to the next video, and I'll see you then!
Important Information | Extra Resources | Notices
Did you charge this program on your MASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER CARD, or PAYPAL?
If so, please read this important information!
To our valued customers and program participants:
Due to a general rise in credit card fraud we apologize that we have to include the following information.
It is clearly stated on our order form and shopping cart that credit card charges are posted by "Media Direct." Therefore, your credit card statement will reflect a charge by "Media Direct"
for the total amount of your membership.
We have selected "Media Direct" as our contract fulfillment processing company.
"Media Direct" have no association with this program other than they are the credit card processor and fulfillment center who digitally deliver this course to you, the customer, on our behalf.
Unfortunately, we have discovered that an occasional individual will attempt to "claim" that they do not recognize the charge listed on their credit card statement by "Media Direct."
What happens if you attempt to dispute the charge from
"Media Direct" on your card statement?
Your card provider will contact our company and notify us that you either claim that you do not recognize the charge or are attempting to dispute the charge. Our office staff will electronically transmit a copy of your internet based order log to your credit card provider.
The electronically transmitted log shows all details of your order including your computer's IP address, email address, time and date, name, and phone number that you provided when placing your order as proof that you did authorize the charge, agreed to the company's terms of service and refund policy, and truly did order this program.
Disputing any charge on your credit card statement that you did authorize can be considered as an act of credit card fraud. Once revealed to your card provider, your disputed charge claim will be deemed invalid.
This attempted credit card fraud can affect your overall credit rating and your ability to obtain
additional credit cards, debit cards or credit in the future and is generally a waste of your time,
our time and your card provider's time!
So in order to avoid any unnecessary billing complications,
if your spouse or someone other than yourself pays your credit card bill each month...
Please make them aware of this charge that will be posted to your card by "Media Direct."
If you have any questions please email us at
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